
This repo uses the Git Branching Model. The head of master branch should always be production ready. The head of the develop branch should contain the latest delivered development changes for the next release. Features should be created in feature branches that branch from the develop branch.

Create virtualenv (recommended, but not required). Then get the repo:

$ git clone
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the tests:

$ python test

Creating a develop branch from the master branch:

$ git checkout -b develop master

Creating a new feature branch from the develop branch:

$ git checkout -b be-feature develop

Committing code to the new be-feature branch:

$ git add .
$ git commit -am 'Commit message'
$ git push --set-upstream origin be-feature

Committing code to an existing be-feature branch:

$ git add .
$ git commit -am 'Commit message'
$ git push

Building the documentation (from the docs/ directory):

$ sphinx-apidoc -f -o source/ ../ecal/
$ make html

Incorporating a finished feature onto develop:

$ git checkout develop
$ git merge --no-ff be-feature
$ git push origin develop
$ git branch -d be-feature
$ git push origin --delete be-feature

Create a release branch from develop, and merge it into master:

$ git checkout -b release-1.0.2 develop
$ git checkout master
$ git merge --no-ff release-1.0.2
$ git push
$ git tag -a 1.0.2 -m "release 1.0.2"
$ git push origin 1.0.2

Merge the release branch changes back into develop so it’s up to date:

$ git checkout develop
$ git merge --no-ff release-1.0.2
$ git branch -d release-1.0.2

Generating distribution archives:

$ git checkout master
$ python check --strict --metadata
$ rm -rf dist/
$ python3 sdist bdist_wheel

Upload to

$ twine upload --repository-url dist/*

To test the package from, create a new virtual env, install the package, then run python and import it:

$ rm -rf ~/.virtualenvs/ecal_test_pypi
$ mkvirtualenv ecal_test_pypi
$ python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir --extra-index-url ecal
$ python
>>> import ecal
>>> quit()
$ deactivate

Upload the package to the real website:

$ twine upload dist/*

To test the package from, create a new virtual env, install the package, then run python and import it:

$ rm -rf ~/.virtualenvs/ecal_pypi
$ mkvirtualenv ecal_pypi
$ pip install --no-cache-dir ecal
$ python
>>> import ecal
>>> quit()
$ deactivate